Ieri/- sau mă rog - azi a fost o zi super faină, btw, la mulţi ani Irina ! :D
Să nu uit... CIORAAAAAAPI ! =))).
Încă o săptămână şi oficial s-a terminat semestrul. - când frate, când !?!!? cum !?! -
Anyhow, mă bucur.
Mi-am primit teza la română B-). 9 75 ! Mnah, nicio greşeală, doar că am uitat să mai scriu ceva. - mă LAUD ! -

- Îl cheamă "D" !!! -

Vreau să levitez. o_o
Hai să bag ş'o melodie... Ceara mă-sii. Nu merge. /:).
Mbine, voi scrie doar versuri.
You live for time of solace
Within a sign there's a promiiise
Don't lose all faith cause you shake at niiight
It's in the art of the process
In another rhyme beyond this place
The healings faaast enough...
Done a thousand times a thousand ways
Until you've had enough...
Iiiit's meeercy you're asking foooor
Cheating liiife by taking mooore
Iiiit's meeercy you're asking fooor
Take my life or give me mooore...
The loss of prize possessions
To cure the mind's obsessions
Could trade your soul for that normal life
Elite to all objections...
See beyond all tears and broken years
Your senses giving up
Lose all confidence at your expense
Your courage swallowed up
Iiiit's meeercy you're asking fooor
Cheating liiife by taking mooore
Iiiit's meeercy you're asking fooor
Take my life or give me mooore...
In another rhyme beyond this place
The healings faaast enough...
Done a thousand times a thousand ways
Until you've had enough...
Iiiit's meeercy you're asking fooor
Cheating liiife by taking mooore
Iiiit's meeercy you're asking fooor
Take my life or give me mooore...
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