Creierul să mi-l opreşţi, am tot aceleaşi gânduri, toate nebuneşti.

sâmbătă, 1 mai 2010

Ora de română

În sfârşit o pauză...
Am cam neglijat blogul, iar asta se va întâmpla şi săptămâna viitoare.

Fiindcă am ceva timp, voi posta nişte perle dintr-o oră de română.
" ... păsările aleargă..."
" ... bătea un vânt de smulgea copacii din rădăcini..."
" La ora 22 a început să picure stropi mici din ce în ce mai mari."
" ... din cer se aruncă obraznice nişte fulgere galbene ca soarele."
" O noapte de furtună "

Postul ăla colosal... mai încolo.

You can hide your eyes, you can dim the lights, but they are watching !
This is a new time, with a different kind, they are the future
The only one !

This is the final call for the setting song as they get closer.
And with full blown grace, thy will be done the show is over.
Its a new dawn !

Just leave this place behind,
I'll grill your place, don’t mind.
And you’re the only one, ‘cos you’re up on defense.
This is a new way !

We are standing by, no time to hide, no meeting half way.
You were sucking life through the needles eye, this is a new day.
They have won !

We would have reckon now, what we have done, left in the open.
The cool we know will rise under, they are the future.
Future !

When all your fears combined, the Memphis was refined.
And I know you really tried to understand.
This is a new age !

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